My life on the greens, in the lounge, and on my misadventures in golf and cigar life
Monday, December 21, 2015
Use air to dial in your grips
So we talked a little last time about the types of grips... Thing is, grips are expensive. Well, some are. Still, we can't just spend a bunch to re-grip and then spend a bunch more to get them changed if we don't like it so what do we do? Well, at The Club Nut we work with you to dial in exactly what you need. I use air to dial in the size for your grips and allow a "grip demo" if you will. Once the size is dialed in, then it's onto the double sided tape, or you can just use them as is. Observe!
Sunday, December 20, 2015
How much time do you put into your grips?
Grips are an overlooked item in golf. Most players basically let them go because they're buying new equipment every other year and just trading them in. the problem with this is that standard isn't always standard. Most clubs come with a branded version of the Tour velvet grip. It's a great grip, don't get me wrong, but there are so many other options out there. You're only a quick shopping trip from getting the best grip from you and being the most comfortable in your game.
There are so many options out there for different shapes, sizes, colors, textures and even weights. Don't get sucked in by the one size fits all.. Why do companies put the same grip on? Because they're cheap and a decent all around grip. Remember: Retail sales are about what fits most people and what they can sell the most of. One size fits most is never going to get you the game you want. Take a watch below if you're new to the golf gripping game or even if you have some years under your belt. Maybe you've never thought about your grips.
There are so many options out there for different shapes, sizes, colors, textures and even weights. Don't get sucked in by the one size fits all.. Why do companies put the same grip on? Because they're cheap and a decent all around grip. Remember: Retail sales are about what fits most people and what they can sell the most of. One size fits most is never going to get you the game you want. Take a watch below if you're new to the golf gripping game or even if you have some years under your belt. Maybe you've never thought about your grips.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The importance of proper flex - The trebuchet
Most of the subject of fitting and club choice is centered around shaft flex. There have to be 10,000 articles on the internet for this if there's one, so why write another one. There is a method to my madness, and I feel that with some exceptions, shaft flex and manipulation thereof is misunderstood. More often than not, the words "you swing this fast, so we'll put you in a ____ flex". While that is important, using swing speed as the only indicator of needed flex will leave the player with potentially only half the performance they COULD have. The reason being: tempo is a large factor when determining equipment needs.
When the swing is initiated, the shaft is loaded. Someone with a fast tempo will aggressively load the shaft requiring a firmer flex than someone with smooth acceleration to achieve the same kick through the ball. In addition, swing speed can increase with the proper flex or decrease with improper fit. The only way to find the right shaft is to hit the club and evaluate the feel. There are really no numbers to distinguish a standard for "reguar" and "stiff" across manufacturers. The closest comparison scale would be CPM or Cycles Per Minute. In this way, an exact number for each shaft can be recorded and each flex designation can be compared and the proper fit can be achieved. So this is all old news to you... OK no worries... but we're here to talk about why this is important.
Many studies have shown that swing speed decreases slightly before impact. It's a byproduct of physiology for a normal swing. The AMOUNT that it decreases differs depending on where that shaft is around the impact area and how you release your hands. Shafts flex and re-flex during the swing. Usually, with a driver, that shaft is flexing towards the ball slightly and is releasing all it's energy into the ball through the clubface. This is done by "Braking the swing" or "throwing the club" as some teachers will describe it. You may have also heard "hitting against a strong left side (right handed)". Explanation is for right handed golfers. Just flip it for lefties - What this means is that as the swing motion happens, the left leg becomes the pivot and essentially puts the brakes on the swing, allowing the arms and wrists to create MORE speed as the energy transfer moves through the grip and shaft and into the ball. The best way to illustrate this is to use a trebuchet - a medieval device used to hurl large objects very far away. "But why not a catapault?" you ask? Because a catapult is a fixed fulcrum and just using the flex of the shaft to hurl the ball. The trebuchet has moving parts that perfectly mimic the golf swing --- well, if you turn it upside down. Watch below it's the best to illustrate what i'm talking about. While you view, imagine the wood arm of the trebuchet is your arms and wrists, the rope is the shaft of the golf club. Notice, as the energy peaks, the trebuchet arm STOPS but the rope keeps moving and releases the stored energy (and the rock) ultimately hurling the object 100s of feet. Turn it upside down and you'll realize that this STOP point is roughly the same as in a golf swing. Your arms just keep moving forward because let's face it - if you stopped a full golf swing like that, your shoulders would probably dislocate and you'd blow out a knee.
OK so what does all this have to do with shaft flex? Well, a proper swing is how you get the shaft to flex and a proper swing is how you get the shaft to transfer power. If this is something you can't do - bad knees, bad back, just slow speed in general -- you need a shaft that will load and unload easier and help to get the maximum performance out of your club. Having a shaft that is too stiff means that even if you're aggressive in loading it, you may not be able to have it UNLOAD properly since you have to maintain that speed and put the brakes on aggressively. That stiffness will cause it to unload the power early - robbing you of distance. Same with a shaft that is too flexible. At the point where the brakes go on, it may have way too much energy and will not unflex efficiently to transfer that power, resulting in loss of distance and accuracy.
So what does all this mean? Well - OEMs make "whole flex" shafts as I like to call them. R, S, Firm, X, etc. They have no interest in getting particular with a shaft because it doesn't fit the market. They want to sell as many clubs to the widest array of people. An R flex will most likely work for you, but between R and S there are a multitude of flexes. Maybe removing 1/2" from the tip is a perfect stiffness for you. Maybe your optimal is JUST UNDER R flex? Just Under or over Stiff? Maybe it's just adding 1 swingweight point to your driver, making it the perfect flex and weight. Remember, lighter isn't always better and faster.
See a competent fitter and hit some different shafts. Even message me for some brain-picking if you want. The difference between hitting more fairways and hitting longer drives doesn't simply rest in a new $500 driver. It may be just taking that old trusty club and adding a little tweak. Use the money you save for beer.
When the swing is initiated, the shaft is loaded. Someone with a fast tempo will aggressively load the shaft requiring a firmer flex than someone with smooth acceleration to achieve the same kick through the ball. In addition, swing speed can increase with the proper flex or decrease with improper fit. The only way to find the right shaft is to hit the club and evaluate the feel. There are really no numbers to distinguish a standard for "reguar" and "stiff" across manufacturers. The closest comparison scale would be CPM or Cycles Per Minute. In this way, an exact number for each shaft can be recorded and each flex designation can be compared and the proper fit can be achieved. So this is all old news to you... OK no worries... but we're here to talk about why this is important.
Many studies have shown that swing speed decreases slightly before impact. It's a byproduct of physiology for a normal swing. The AMOUNT that it decreases differs depending on where that shaft is around the impact area and how you release your hands. Shafts flex and re-flex during the swing. Usually, with a driver, that shaft is flexing towards the ball slightly and is releasing all it's energy into the ball through the clubface. This is done by "Braking the swing" or "throwing the club" as some teachers will describe it. You may have also heard "hitting against a strong left side (right handed)". Explanation is for right handed golfers. Just flip it for lefties - What this means is that as the swing motion happens, the left leg becomes the pivot and essentially puts the brakes on the swing, allowing the arms and wrists to create MORE speed as the energy transfer moves through the grip and shaft and into the ball. The best way to illustrate this is to use a trebuchet - a medieval device used to hurl large objects very far away. "But why not a catapault?" you ask? Because a catapult is a fixed fulcrum and just using the flex of the shaft to hurl the ball. The trebuchet has moving parts that perfectly mimic the golf swing --- well, if you turn it upside down. Watch below it's the best to illustrate what i'm talking about. While you view, imagine the wood arm of the trebuchet is your arms and wrists, the rope is the shaft of the golf club. Notice, as the energy peaks, the trebuchet arm STOPS but the rope keeps moving and releases the stored energy (and the rock) ultimately hurling the object 100s of feet. Turn it upside down and you'll realize that this STOP point is roughly the same as in a golf swing. Your arms just keep moving forward because let's face it - if you stopped a full golf swing like that, your shoulders would probably dislocate and you'd blow out a knee.
The next video is this notion in practice. Long drivers, and Dustin Johnson being the best example. Notice the lag of the club and right at the bottom, the player puts on the brakes with the left leg, throwing that club through and that poor ball can't do a thing about it. Notice the leg straightens and his foot even moves back a little bit. the hips PAUSE then keep moving through. It's an upward motion to stop the swing, very much like (if you turn this video upside down) the downward motion of the weights in the trebuchet. If you flip the top video upside down, the mechanics are the same.
OK so what does all this have to do with shaft flex? Well, a proper swing is how you get the shaft to flex and a proper swing is how you get the shaft to transfer power. If this is something you can't do - bad knees, bad back, just slow speed in general -- you need a shaft that will load and unload easier and help to get the maximum performance out of your club. Having a shaft that is too stiff means that even if you're aggressive in loading it, you may not be able to have it UNLOAD properly since you have to maintain that speed and put the brakes on aggressively. That stiffness will cause it to unload the power early - robbing you of distance. Same with a shaft that is too flexible. At the point where the brakes go on, it may have way too much energy and will not unflex efficiently to transfer that power, resulting in loss of distance and accuracy.
So what does all this mean? Well - OEMs make "whole flex" shafts as I like to call them. R, S, Firm, X, etc. They have no interest in getting particular with a shaft because it doesn't fit the market. They want to sell as many clubs to the widest array of people. An R flex will most likely work for you, but between R and S there are a multitude of flexes. Maybe removing 1/2" from the tip is a perfect stiffness for you. Maybe your optimal is JUST UNDER R flex? Just Under or over Stiff? Maybe it's just adding 1 swingweight point to your driver, making it the perfect flex and weight. Remember, lighter isn't always better and faster.
See a competent fitter and hit some different shafts. Even message me for some brain-picking if you want. The difference between hitting more fairways and hitting longer drives doesn't simply rest in a new $500 driver. It may be just taking that old trusty club and adding a little tweak. Use the money you save for beer.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Let's talk rules, sportsmanship, and gamesmanship
It's not even possible to open my web browser to anything golf related and NOT see Suzanne Pettersen in some sort of interview about "the gimme heard round the world (nor not)". If you're not privy to this information yet, here's the short version:
Allison Lee was lining up a putt to win the 17th hole and put the U.S. 1up in the match. Lee missed the putt, leaving about 18 inches for the half. European Charlie Hull begins walking toward Suzanne who is standing at the far end of the green near the ropes to go to the next hole. Lee picks up her ball, thinking it was conceded. Pettersen stops and states that Europe never conceded the putt and under rule 2-6 in match play, since Lee lifted her ball not in accordance with the rules (not marked, and not conceded) it's a general penalty of loss of hole. Europe goes 1up.
OK now you're caught up. Let's talk about the long version right now. This is not a debate, it is a statement of facts, and why it happened. It's also laced with my opinion on the current controversy iron maiden that Suzanne Pettersen is currently enduring for no good reason other than to save face in the court of public opinion - which apparently holds more sway than most things these days.
Currently, the universe is pretty upset with Suzanne. Furious, actually. In most viewers' eyes she is akin to the devil for playing tricks on poor, young, Allison Lee while the rest of the viewers think she's a downright cheat. I'm going to say this right now, and you can think however you'd like of it. Suzanne did nothing wrong. It's as simple as that. Gamesmanship - what took place here - happens all the time in golf. The layman's definition of Gamesmanship is basically doing something a little shady - but not illegal - to get a competitive edge. Very much like "oh that's a big lake over there" or "dont' want to go right here" spewing from your gullet at your buddies while you try to win your weekend $5 nassau. Further, do a Google search sometime and read how Tiger Woods would game guys all the time. Walking fast ahead of someone who's having a bad hole forcing them to quicken their tempo and their game to keep up. Walking slower to get someone out of their pace of good play. That's ALL gamesmanship of one sort or another. Even calling for a measurement of who's away just to get in someone's head or make them putt first. Questionable actions - maybe, depending what side of it you're on - but all perfectly legal and within the rules. What we have here is that Allison Lee fell for a well played bit of hard gamesmanship. Right down to Charlie Hull walking over to talk to Pettersen. To look at it objectively, there may not have been any gamesmanship at all - the team may just have wanted to converse quickly before the next hole.
Rule 2-4 in match play states: "A player may concede a match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that match. A player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole. A player may concede his opponent's next stroke at any time, provided the opponent's ball is at rest. The opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either side. A concession may not be declined or withdrawn". Pretty straight forward. The key piece of information in all of this is that no concession was made by Europe. Even the act of walking away like the putt is good, is not a substitution for making a statement like "pick it up" or "that's good" or the non-ambiguous "stroke conceded". It's not even reasonable to believe that would count since nowhere in the rules is a gesture ever acknowledged as an acceptable indication of play (obviously unless you're using sign language - but don't go there). Intent is big in golf. What Lee should have done was ask "Is this good then?". Even if she thinks she heard SOMEONE say it's good, unless she was absolutely sure it was Hull or Pettersen it is on her to ask. No one but your fellow competitor may concede a putt. Not even their caddy. Even Pettersen can be heard saying "I don't know if it was someone in the crowd, but we didn't say it".
Now, that being said, was what happened moral in my eyes? Nah, not really. Was it in the spirit of the game? Mehhhhhhh......not as I would interpret it. With all that said, still there was nothing wrong with it and she doesn't deserve the flak she's getting. Was it painful to watch... most certainly. Most people say Suzanne should have showed sportsmanship by allowing the gimme after it was in question. Those people probably hate rules, keeping score, and love when participation trophies are given out for kid's teams too.
Using sportsmanship to get around rules creates a lot of unknowns. It sets a dangerous precedent too.
Is it sportsmanlike to let someone pull their ball off hardpan that's not marked as GUR? I mean, you should really be able to play off grass all the time, even if it's rough. How about letting your competitor rake a footprint from a previous group in a bunker and replace his ball for a good lie. Hell no you wouldn't do that and you know it. You'd take that advantage. Europe didn't agree that she "probably would have made it anyway". Unknowns don't go well in golf - terms like "known or virtually certain" being in the rule book a number of times. Still, say Pettersen says "oh yea, it's fine" in an amazing show of sportsmanship to the US and they go on to halve the match or even lose and that gesture turns out to be pivotal. What about her team mates?
Suzanne did you tell her she could have that put?
Well, no, but it was confusing so I just said it was OK after the fact. She thought we did.
So you didn't stand by the facts and just let them back in the match?
Is it sportsmanship to throw one's entire team under the bus just because a competitor had a lapse in judgement? Not in this case. She stood by the facts that she knew. The fact is that it was never conceded. Even in 1999 when Payne Stewart conceded to Colin Montgomerie in the Ryder Cup match because the fans were just DESTROYING Monty and being classless overall-- that could have been a VERY different story. Very different overall in fact, as the US would have already gotten the cup by the time the events of the Infamous 17th hole would have happened. I guess 17th holes are just bad for shows of sportsmanship in general. In the case of the Solheim Cup, however, the only ones to blame are the officials on this one and here's why:
The moment this happened, in equity, we should have jumped to Decision 2-4/3 in match play: Player Lifts Ball in Mistaken Belief That Next Stroke Conceded. Regardless of whether or not the stroke was conceded, the necessary doubt was there. Lee heard it from SOMEWHERE that it was good - we have to take her on her word on it as golfers. Couple that with Hull walking away. While not an indication on its own, that gesture coupled with the words spoken in a loud arena could lead to someone thinking they're in the right without that second thought. THAT is where the issue lies. Hell, even the official thought for whatever reason that it was conceded when he made the announcement. As officials, they failed the players in this instance. This is without a doubt exactly why that decision was put in the rule book. Before you sit there and mouth "nobody can know all the rules, Chris. Not even officials" - HOLD UP - it's 2015. I have the rules on my phone and I don't know about you, but I can look up any situation in pretty much 10 seconds...and do.... very often when something is in question. Why are the officials not able to do this? Basically because nobody wants to take responsibility for anything, I'd wager. My question is: Why don't they just KNOW this. You're an official in the match play championship. Brush up, son. It's akin to knowing what to do with white, yellow, or red stakes. Second nature. There's no way it should have gone further and no way it should have ended like it did.
Of course... would the US have come back as well without a rallying cry? That's another debate altogether. I'd like to think so, my girls got game!
Allison Lee was lining up a putt to win the 17th hole and put the U.S. 1up in the match. Lee missed the putt, leaving about 18 inches for the half. European Charlie Hull begins walking toward Suzanne who is standing at the far end of the green near the ropes to go to the next hole. Lee picks up her ball, thinking it was conceded. Pettersen stops and states that Europe never conceded the putt and under rule 2-6 in match play, since Lee lifted her ball not in accordance with the rules (not marked, and not conceded) it's a general penalty of loss of hole. Europe goes 1up.
OK now you're caught up. Let's talk about the long version right now. This is not a debate, it is a statement of facts, and why it happened. It's also laced with my opinion on the current controversy iron maiden that Suzanne Pettersen is currently enduring for no good reason other than to save face in the court of public opinion - which apparently holds more sway than most things these days.
Currently, the universe is pretty upset with Suzanne. Furious, actually. In most viewers' eyes she is akin to the devil for playing tricks on poor, young, Allison Lee while the rest of the viewers think she's a downright cheat. I'm going to say this right now, and you can think however you'd like of it. Suzanne did nothing wrong. It's as simple as that. Gamesmanship - what took place here - happens all the time in golf. The layman's definition of Gamesmanship is basically doing something a little shady - but not illegal - to get a competitive edge. Very much like "oh that's a big lake over there" or "dont' want to go right here" spewing from your gullet at your buddies while you try to win your weekend $5 nassau. Further, do a Google search sometime and read how Tiger Woods would game guys all the time. Walking fast ahead of someone who's having a bad hole forcing them to quicken their tempo and their game to keep up. Walking slower to get someone out of their pace of good play. That's ALL gamesmanship of one sort or another. Even calling for a measurement of who's away just to get in someone's head or make them putt first. Questionable actions - maybe, depending what side of it you're on - but all perfectly legal and within the rules. What we have here is that Allison Lee fell for a well played bit of hard gamesmanship. Right down to Charlie Hull walking over to talk to Pettersen. To look at it objectively, there may not have been any gamesmanship at all - the team may just have wanted to converse quickly before the next hole.
Rule 2-4 in match play states: "A player may concede a match at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that match. A player may concede a hole at any time prior to the start or conclusion of that hole. A player may concede his opponent's next stroke at any time, provided the opponent's ball is at rest. The opponent is considered to have holed out with his next stroke, and the ball may be removed by either side. A concession may not be declined or withdrawn". Pretty straight forward. The key piece of information in all of this is that no concession was made by Europe. Even the act of walking away like the putt is good, is not a substitution for making a statement like "pick it up" or "that's good" or the non-ambiguous "stroke conceded". It's not even reasonable to believe that would count since nowhere in the rules is a gesture ever acknowledged as an acceptable indication of play (obviously unless you're using sign language - but don't go there). Intent is big in golf. What Lee should have done was ask "Is this good then?". Even if she thinks she heard SOMEONE say it's good, unless she was absolutely sure it was Hull or Pettersen it is on her to ask. No one but your fellow competitor may concede a putt. Not even their caddy. Even Pettersen can be heard saying "I don't know if it was someone in the crowd, but we didn't say it".
Now, that being said, was what happened moral in my eyes? Nah, not really. Was it in the spirit of the game? Mehhhhhhh......not as I would interpret it. With all that said, still there was nothing wrong with it and she doesn't deserve the flak she's getting. Was it painful to watch... most certainly. Most people say Suzanne should have showed sportsmanship by allowing the gimme after it was in question. Those people probably hate rules, keeping score, and love when participation trophies are given out for kid's teams too.
Using sportsmanship to get around rules creates a lot of unknowns. It sets a dangerous precedent too.
Is it sportsmanlike to let someone pull their ball off hardpan that's not marked as GUR? I mean, you should really be able to play off grass all the time, even if it's rough. How about letting your competitor rake a footprint from a previous group in a bunker and replace his ball for a good lie. Hell no you wouldn't do that and you know it. You'd take that advantage. Europe didn't agree that she "probably would have made it anyway". Unknowns don't go well in golf - terms like "known or virtually certain" being in the rule book a number of times. Still, say Pettersen says "oh yea, it's fine" in an amazing show of sportsmanship to the US and they go on to halve the match or even lose and that gesture turns out to be pivotal. What about her team mates?
Suzanne did you tell her she could have that put?
Well, no, but it was confusing so I just said it was OK after the fact. She thought we did.
So you didn't stand by the facts and just let them back in the match?
Is it sportsmanship to throw one's entire team under the bus just because a competitor had a lapse in judgement? Not in this case. She stood by the facts that she knew. The fact is that it was never conceded. Even in 1999 when Payne Stewart conceded to Colin Montgomerie in the Ryder Cup match because the fans were just DESTROYING Monty and being classless overall-- that could have been a VERY different story. Very different overall in fact, as the US would have already gotten the cup by the time the events of the Infamous 17th hole would have happened. I guess 17th holes are just bad for shows of sportsmanship in general. In the case of the Solheim Cup, however, the only ones to blame are the officials on this one and here's why:
The moment this happened, in equity, we should have jumped to Decision 2-4/3 in match play: Player Lifts Ball in Mistaken Belief That Next Stroke Conceded. Regardless of whether or not the stroke was conceded, the necessary doubt was there. Lee heard it from SOMEWHERE that it was good - we have to take her on her word on it as golfers. Couple that with Hull walking away. While not an indication on its own, that gesture coupled with the words spoken in a loud arena could lead to someone thinking they're in the right without that second thought. THAT is where the issue lies. Hell, even the official thought for whatever reason that it was conceded when he made the announcement. As officials, they failed the players in this instance. This is without a doubt exactly why that decision was put in the rule book. Before you sit there and mouth "nobody can know all the rules, Chris. Not even officials" - HOLD UP - it's 2015. I have the rules on my phone and I don't know about you, but I can look up any situation in pretty much 10 seconds...and do.... very often when something is in question. Why are the officials not able to do this? Basically because nobody wants to take responsibility for anything, I'd wager. My question is: Why don't they just KNOW this. You're an official in the match play championship. Brush up, son. It's akin to knowing what to do with white, yellow, or red stakes. Second nature. There's no way it should have gone further and no way it should have ended like it did.
Of course... would the US have come back as well without a rallying cry? That's another debate altogether. I'd like to think so, my girls got game!
Friday, September 11, 2015
My day with a Monsta......
Being a perfectionist and knowing that there is not just one road to reach perfection, I tend to look to the "little guys" a lot for new ideas and better products. The reason is because sometimes we just get caught up in the money, fame, and flash of the big guys. They spend millions upon millions each year to research not only performance, but what people want to look at. It's called "rack appeal" and it happens all the time with clubs. Not so much with balls, however - well- outside of the packaging that is. A flashy box always helps, but what's inside is a little white sphere with dimples that has the unfortunate purpose of being smashed as hard as possible with a heavy piece of metal - repeatedly - until it's discarded or lost. The former - smashing as hard as possible - is what makes us want a premium performance ball. The latter is what makes us not want to pay a premium for it. Enter the "little guy". This time around, it's MonstaGolf.
From their site:
""Monsta Golf started as an idea back in the spring of 2013 by 2 working dads from Boston who love the game of golf. Dave and Ken, the founders of Monsta Golf, realize(like most of us) the key to an exceptional golf game is consistency and the short game. Money is in the short game, as we all know. Using the same golf ball while honing your skills is an important factor in being consistent. Almost every brand of golf ball performs differently, especially around the greens. This causes variations in accuracy and performance. Some golf balls are for distance, some for spin. The top performing brands currently on the market that are constructed to do both, retail for $48/dozen or more. Golf can be expensive enough!
“We need to create a pro performance golf ball that’s affordable, so it can be used every round you play. Allowing the development of a more consistant game and control around the greens. In addition, we don’t want to cringe every time we lose a $4-$5 ball in the woods.” (Yes, this will probably happen no matter what ball you use!)
I couldn't have said it better myself --- so I copied and pasted. Hey, I've got things to do, clubs to build and cigars to smoke. I digress....
MonstaGolf intriqued me from the get-go. I saw them on twitter (@monstagolf) and followed them to Facebook ( and stalked their feed reading all the stuff people were saying about them. I got on some of my own forums and asked around if anybody had tried them. The people who had couldn't say enough about them. There were even people who said they had tried them and though they're not the go-to ball, are still using them on occasion. That tells me there's got to be something to them.
About me: If you've been following the blog - few and far between as it sometimes is (hey I'm busy!!!) you know that I'm a decent player. I'm currently playing off 3.7 (GHIN#2111361) and I get out maybe once per week. I've been playing a LONG time and I'm pretty sure I'm one of a handful of people under 45 who have actually used persimmon clubs in a tournament because that was still the only technology out there. So, I know something about feel and the like, on top of being a club builder. My current ball bobbles between a ProV1 and the Callaway SR3 (what's left of them). They're both pretty comparable for me but I tend to play the ProV1 on drier days since I do get a little more spin on the greens, and the Callaway flies longer so I get more carry in normal to wet conditions. Both retail around $45 for the dozen and have very soft covers so you can imagine that I'm always looking to save a few bucks.
THE REVIEW - AS COMPARED TO MY PROV1: If you want the hard facts just go to the end. If not, hang on for the story. For the record, I paid for these balls and the only reason I'm doing a review is because I like to do them. My style is putting you in a story setting and allowing you to follow me and the way I play. Real life is the only way to test, in my opinion. Talk it out- nitpick - whatever. If you want numbers, there's like 20 other sites that have compression and yardage numbers you can pick at.
![]() |
oooooh Shiny. |
So anyway.....
I pulled the trigger on MonstaGolf balls just this week. Out of Massachusetts they got here to PA in 2 days via USPS. Free shipping as well. Great start for those of us who don't like to pay shipping that's a big one. I opted for the "naked" dozen. No packaging. You can call me green, but the difference between $32.99 and $34.99 is enough to prompt me to skip the shiny black box and Green Monsta eye. If you like to think I did it solely for the environment, please do.
As I opened them, I was really impressed. Very nice cover which had that "sticky ball" feel to it. (Insert joke about sticky balls here) It was pleasing to look at with the big green logo and single number. Very clean and minimalistic. The aim stripe is just two arrows with MonstaGolf written in. Very easy to line up for putting or tee ball. Not too long and not short like some other balls. I took to putting right away putting it right up against a proV1 and a ProV1x that I had. Both brand new - hey we gotta be fair.
Immediately I could feel that the MonstaGolf was soft. Super soft. I use an all metal putter with no insert so I felt everything. Dead heat with the ProV1, softer than V1X. I liked it. I even did a blind test where I closed my eyes and had a friend put them down in front of my putter to strike. I picked out the same two balls but couldn't tell which was which.
Since it was still evening and I didn't tee off until the next day, I decided for the "wedge bounce test". You know, the old Tiger Woods juggle it off the blade and then between the legs - just without the 200 yard rocket at the end. Here's where the balls started to differ. The MonstaGolf felt soft. Almost TOO soft, but it wasn't a disgusting marshmallow feel. I could feel the ball but it had a hint of a "thud". The PV1 was soft but more "crisp". In non-golf terms and assuming you've eaten both of these, it was the difference between biting a Red Delicious apple and a Mcintosh. The red delicious has a softer bite but still good and hearty - where as the Mc is a touch more snappy. At this point, it didn't bother me but it's worth noting if you're a player that likes a harder feeling ball like a TopFlite Gamer or the like. Seeing as how they both have urethane covers, I believe the MonstaGolf is thicker in this regard. I'll explain later.....
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LOL - googly eyes |
Flash forward to my round. Dauphin Highlands Golf Course. We're playing the whites (myself, Cigar Joe , and a friend Dave). On the putting green I put 2 balls down and putted. Drained them both from 10 feet. Was it the ball or was it me, dunno, but I did have confidence looking down and reading "MonstaGolf"with those heavy black arrows saying - this way to the hole. Pre-round I also chipped in 4 times out of 10. The balls grabbed the green like velcro - no exaggeration - even on the little chips so I had to hit my chips to carry a little farther than normal because they weren't running out as much as with the PV1 but it was consistent so once I got used to it things were no problem. MGB gets the square here because more spin around the green is always a plus in my book.
On the tee, I set it up so I was looking right into that green eye. It was a great focus point and since it was like a smaller ball I felt it was the literal interpretation of "aim small, miss small". I didn't miss. My first drive was a touch on the toe and fading but SkyCaddy measured it at 317yds. I'll take that. There was very little side spin when I KNOW there should have been more. Instead of the right rough just off the fairway I SHOULD have been by the cart path 10 yards farther right. Intriguing.
2nd shot was a 58* wedge to a tucked pin. I was so stoked for the drive that I plopped it in the bunker short. Perfect to test the sand capabilities and durability. If anything destroys a Urethane cover it's a sand trap. I played a perfect splash from 30 feet to settle 3 feet from the pin. One hop and stop. Ball completely in tact.
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Initial look after the long bunker shot. Sand still lodged in. |
2nd hole it performed very well off the tee again, although i skunked the shot and ended up in the bunker about 60 yards in front of the green on the fly (drivable par 4- 270 yards). You'd think I was doing it on purpose to test a ball or something. I used a 54* wedge to play the long bunker shot into the green. I hit it to roughly 12 feet but upon picking up the ball I noticed it had a large grain of sand lodged in the cover. I expected this out of the first bunker but my thoughts are that the resilient thick cover provides nice cushion against this sort of thing where normally the thin cover of the PV1 nicks or gets some sand burn. A harder swing was enough to embed the sand though. I was able to dig it out and remove the piece of cover that was torn and play on. Through the next holes the ball performed EXACTLY as it had the first two. I even put a new ball in play just as a for-instance but saw no flight issues due to the deep puncture in the cover.
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A few holes after I removed the "scab" cover and dug out the grit piece. |
Iron feel is solid and regarding the "thunk" of the wedge bounce test - that wasn't really an issue once you actually were swinging at the ball. Chips felt good, like the ball was compressing well and it JUMPS off of irons. I really felt like I had compression on the face and got very good flight out of it. No ballooning, but still retaining the pretty wicked spin I experienced at the chipping green throughout all the irons. I guess theres' something to that 3 piece construction and high energy core they talk about.
Here's where the review gets short because I've told you all I can about the performance of the ball. The reason being it was so consistent. It was consistent with itself from brand new until the last shot, and it was consistent with the ProV1 that I'm very used to with the difference being more spin from the MGB on the little chip shots. I would go so far as to say it's a little difficult to get it to run out with a lofted club - but I'm not going to complain about that.
I think the one thing I can say I honestly DISLIKE about the MonstaGolf ball is it's visual durability in relation to other premium golf balls. I think this is where it loses the race. The ball gets dingy. Like REALLY dingy. When I play a full round with a golf ball, it gets battered and the like but when I wash it, generally it gets clean. Over the course of the round, the ball got to LOOKING chewed up. it was still very much playable and very much performing perfectly but it really started to kind of look like a monster. If I could equate it to something, maybe like a refurbished ball that was hit too many times and the paint started to come off the raised areas? Even while we were looking for the balls and rolling up to it in the cart, I had no problem identifying mine because that shine was lost. I don't know if I'm OK with that or not because they really look USED after one round, whereas I can get 2, sometimes 3 out of the same ball otherwise. Believe me, I'm still going to play it again, but it's a peeve, maybe even a deal breaker for some people. Even my buddy Dave said "that thing looks awful".
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18 holes, 1 ball. The "reconditioned ball" scabs I was referencing. All over. Are these balls painted? |
Overall performance: It is my opinion that MonstaGolf balls perform on par with a premium golf ball. In this case the ProV1 (grey stripe). MonstaGolf has a little more spin for me around the greens and is sometimes difficult to release to the hole - which may be an issue for some golfers if they like to chip and run. You might need a lower lofted club to play some of your normal shots. There was no drop in performance throughout the entire round despite the blemishing.
Look: Awesome minimalist logo design and a nice focal point for the tee ball. Alignment aid isn't obnoxious and does the job in lining up putts or tee balls if you prefer that. One additional thing I feel the need to mention is that there is no all white area on this ball. From every angle you will see either the aim mark, the number, or a good portion of the green eye. I don't mind because you can immediately identify it even in the rough, but some people do like that one area where you look down and see white ball.
Durability: I feel the ball could be more durable over the course of the round. The fact that it can take a hit like a large piece of sand from a bunker and not make a big gouge out of the cover or begin peeling of after being hit a few times in that wound is great, but If I'm not bouncing it off cart paths or trees, I want to have a Grade A used ball at the end of the round, not a C+ at best.
Price: This can go either way. I like that the ball continues to perform despite the dingy, rashed look but players who do mind that will have to put a new ball in play more often than they would another premium performance ball. That being said, is the $13 savings a wash because of the frequency of replacement?? I don't know. I'll continue to play the ball until it seriously falls apart or I notice a decrease in playability.
Bottom line: It's a great ball for the price performance wise. It could be a FANTASTIC ball for the price if they can sort out that cleanliness/ visible durability issue. I'm glad I made the purchase and will be playing these balls until I lose them. A dozen will usually last me a good 1/2 season counting cart paths and whatnot. I wish I would have hit one to see how it took it but damnit I'm not good enough to hit that kind of target!
If anybody wonders, I shot 76. Made the turn in Even and pulled a BUNCH of putts on the back. Grr.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Let's talk Cigars again - What to look for?
If you're like me, you enjoy a little golf with your cigars and beer. For me Golf definitely comes first and is thoroughly enjoyable but it can be ruined by bad periphery. Sub-par is not good with cigars - especially when you shell out a premium price to get it! I could have a sleeve of ProV1's for that price! So how do you protect yourself if you're not a cigar connoisseur? There are a couple things that can tell you quickly wether that cigar is worth shelling out the money:
1. Ask where they get their cigars: If the cigars are stocked by a local shop odds are they're going to be good. Cigar store owners take pride in their product. Regardless of the manufacturer, the product is what sets shops apart from each other. Likewise, if the course buys from an online store or from another "dealer" you might be looking at cigars that have been beaten or shocked in shipment if they weren't packaged and humidified properly in the process.
2. Make sure they're not dry: So you've asked and are satisfied with the answer. That doesn't mean they're being taken care of still... Just as important as good tobacco is the care taken as they're stored. Make sure the hygrometer is working and in a good range. 70-75% humidity is optimal for cigars. If in doubt, ask to see a stick and give it a GENTLE squeeze. You SHOULDN'T hear a crack and it SHOULD have just a little give. If it feels hard, or super spongy, something is wrong and you'll either be fighting to keep it lit, or having the wrapper come off in your hand while you smoke. Neither of those is enjoyable.
3. For once, the name is useful: I always say that nam doesn't matter in golf clubs. That's because you have the chance to hit them and compare. When you're making a snap decision about cigars or booze it's best to stay with what you know - especially when price is an issue. Names like Rocky Patel, Perdomo, Montecristo, Oliva & Drew Estate are big in the cigar world. They're big names and have a deep line of great cigars all. If these names are a staple in the cabinet, then you're looking at a decent stick whatever you pick - assuming they're stored properly.
It seems tedious, but it takes all of 30 seconds to find out if your enjoyment is guaranteed. If you're going to drop a premium price for cigars, be sure you're going to get a good cigar.
Locally, I'm a fan of the cigars at: Four Seasons, Landisville ; Crossgates Golf Course, Millersville ; and Meadia Heights, Lancaster. If you're there, you won't have to go through this, but take your time and make sure you get something that will enhance your round and not cause you distraction.
enjoy and hit em straight!
1. Ask where they get their cigars: If the cigars are stocked by a local shop odds are they're going to be good. Cigar store owners take pride in their product. Regardless of the manufacturer, the product is what sets shops apart from each other. Likewise, if the course buys from an online store or from another "dealer" you might be looking at cigars that have been beaten or shocked in shipment if they weren't packaged and humidified properly in the process.
2. Make sure they're not dry: So you've asked and are satisfied with the answer. That doesn't mean they're being taken care of still... Just as important as good tobacco is the care taken as they're stored. Make sure the hygrometer is working and in a good range. 70-75% humidity is optimal for cigars. If in doubt, ask to see a stick and give it a GENTLE squeeze. You SHOULDN'T hear a crack and it SHOULD have just a little give. If it feels hard, or super spongy, something is wrong and you'll either be fighting to keep it lit, or having the wrapper come off in your hand while you smoke. Neither of those is enjoyable.
3. For once, the name is useful: I always say that nam doesn't matter in golf clubs. That's because you have the chance to hit them and compare. When you're making a snap decision about cigars or booze it's best to stay with what you know - especially when price is an issue. Names like Rocky Patel, Perdomo, Montecristo, Oliva & Drew Estate are big in the cigar world. They're big names and have a deep line of great cigars all. If these names are a staple in the cabinet, then you're looking at a decent stick whatever you pick - assuming they're stored properly.
It seems tedious, but it takes all of 30 seconds to find out if your enjoyment is guaranteed. If you're going to drop a premium price for cigars, be sure you're going to get a good cigar.
Locally, I'm a fan of the cigars at: Four Seasons, Landisville ; Crossgates Golf Course, Millersville ; and Meadia Heights, Lancaster. If you're there, you won't have to go through this, but take your time and make sure you get something that will enhance your round and not cause you distraction.
enjoy and hit em straight!
Monday, June 1, 2015
While they're young.....
I am not yet a father. One of these days, Marie and I will have another little golf nut in the family (hopefully) and that suits me just fine. I'd love for them to take to the game like I did and to really enjoy it so I've already thought about and read up on the best ways to go about teaching them. The thing is, even I never thought about equipment.
I played a lot of golf this weekend and I saw a lot more than a handful of junior golfers. It was great. These 8-13 year olds heading out with dad and mom to tee it forward and chase the little white ball around. I even saw a guy teaching his boy on the range during an event. One thing I couldn't help but notice though - they all looked like they were struggling to swing the club. The more I thought about it, the clearer it became. Upon closer inspection of bags, most of them were playing with cut down versions of adult clubs. Even the ones that had "junior clubs" felt like sledgehammers to me when I picked them up. The time honored tradition about moving more weight low to help get the ball up doesn't apply to children and juniors. While it's a good idea, what good is it to have a club so heavy that the player can't swing it properly or even that the club swings them? It would do nothing but engrain bad habits and wear-and-tear on their young body. Sure, it might be a good way to save some money in the short term because they'll grow into them right?....if they continue to play golf and have fun.
Let's take a look at a couple of photos - I'll expound upon them when I do my video. The first, on the right, is my first ever putter, ca. 1985, next to my current putter. It was long for me back then. There wasn't much in the way of different materials, so basically I got a men's putter cut down. It was (and still is) really heavy, even at this size that it is. Plus it was 24 inches long! That was more than half my height! (I was and still am a little short). Could you imagine swinging a putter that came up to your sternum - remember this is before the days of belly putters. I have really never been a good putter but seriously, that wasn't going to help teach me anything. Something I CAN do is hit the ball a long way and on line. I'm convinced the reason is because I got started early with the proper technique. Take a look at the second picture - that's me swinging a 5 iron. A cut down, gripped, ground to remove a ton of material and weight 5 iron. I also had a 5 wood with about 1/3 of the head cut off in the back. Why did my grandfather do this? So that I was able to learn the proper takeaway and swing the club rather than having it swing me. It's tough to judge by a photo but believe me when I tell you that I didn't get thrown around by that club and because of that, I spent hours and hours hitting balls up and down the back yard at my grandparents' house -- and less time in front of the TV!! I make no apologies for the outfit.
To be frank, I see a good many parents/ grandparents/ aunts & uncles trying to get their future tour pro to "swing right". Good teachers always mention that you shouldn't do this and should let them swing how they want to swing - moving feet, digging into the turf and whatnot. The reason children do this is because they somehow have to get this huge mass of metal moving when they themselves weigh about as much as a Neato Burrito! OF COURSE they're going to step into it.
Truth be told, it's absolutely impossible for someone of that size to swing properly if they don't have a club that's proportionally weighted for them. This is why I have lightweight junior club heads. It allows me to build a club that is lighter than most any junior set out there, but still retains proper swing weight to promote good tempo and stroke. You see, swing weight is largely dictated by your strength. What "feels" heavy to you may not be heavy to someone else. It's all a relative and personal thing. Kids are sponges. They WANT to learn things and they will retain it very well. Anyone who's ever slipped a dirty word around their youngins can tell you that one. Why not give your little golfer the best start at the game. There will be less frustration, less "I'm tired can we go in?", and more fun to be had.


To be frank, I see a good many parents/ grandparents/ aunts & uncles trying to get their future tour pro to "swing right". Good teachers always mention that you shouldn't do this and should let them swing how they want to swing - moving feet, digging into the turf and whatnot. The reason children do this is because they somehow have to get this huge mass of metal moving when they themselves weigh about as much as a Neato Burrito! OF COURSE they're going to step into it.
Truth be told, it's absolutely impossible for someone of that size to swing properly if they don't have a club that's proportionally weighted for them. This is why I have lightweight junior club heads. It allows me to build a club that is lighter than most any junior set out there, but still retains proper swing weight to promote good tempo and stroke. You see, swing weight is largely dictated by your strength. What "feels" heavy to you may not be heavy to someone else. It's all a relative and personal thing. Kids are sponges. They WANT to learn things and they will retain it very well. Anyone who's ever slipped a dirty word around their youngins can tell you that one. Why not give your little golfer the best start at the game. There will be less frustration, less "I'm tired can we go in?", and more fun to be had.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Is it more important to be VALUED or APPRECIATED?
It's a question that really has no answer that is not specific to the person answering. So why ask it? Is it more important to be valued or to be appreciated? To answer that, I think we have to look at the definition of each word in depth:
Value -
Value -
- 2.a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
- 1.estimate the monetary worth of (something).
- 2.consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of.
Appreciate -
- 2.understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of.
Let's note that a great many people use these terms interchangeably but take a closer look. When something is "valued" it is generally because it is of benefit to the person doing the valuing. It's about saying "what am I willing to part with or do in order to possess this object. Property is valued. Stores say that something is a great value. Valuables in your jewelry box. Even people at the office are valued - which drives me up the wall when I hear it. Something is valuable because it benefits the person doing the valuing in some way - not because it's necessarily a good thing but because they're "getting something" from it. See the pattern starting to appear? Now, appreciation has nothing to do with worth or property. It's more of an emotion than a verb. When you appreciate something it's because it's there. It is not something to judge or pay for and isn't something that you can even place a partial worth on - by definition. You appreciate something for what it is and don't try to change it because it's so important it's unable to be messed with. You're thankful it's there because it is exactly what is needed.
"So Chris", you may be saying to yourself, "what does this have to do with golf?".
Well... look in your golf bag. Any names stand out to you? Maybe you just bought the newest driver released, or a new putter. Do you VALUE your clubs or APPRECIATE them? Did you buy them because of what they say or how much you will be able to trade them in for? Did you buy them because it was "recommended" by a sales person? Did you buy them because they're from your favorite tour player? Did you honestly answer these questions and were any of them "YES"? Bad news.
What did you go through in order to get them? If you can honestly say that you went through a fitting that was more than 20 minutes and gave real thought to the process to arrive at the best decision for your game - I'm proud of you. For a lot of readers, this isn't the case. For those readers it was an ad in a golf publication or a commercial during last week's tournament on TV. It's advertising speak about CG and MOI and composites and "the longest ________ ever!". This is a full example of Valuation of your clubs. You value them so much as they worked for other people now. You will de-value them as new equipment comes out because that equipment will be seen as better than what you have. The sad part is that the same equipment will have little to no value to those who you purchased it from as that new club is released. You've valued your club at a price that the manufacturer thinks you'll pay and with options that are the best value to them and their bottom line. If you wait to buy it until it's "on sale" what are you spending your money on then - outdated technology i guess? I guess at least you have the NAME right? That's the TRUE value of equipment. That's why logos are plastered all over hats, belts, and shirts. Get the name in your head.
As for me, I appreciate my clubs. I appreciate that they work just as hard as clubs that are higher priced and sitting dusty on a rack in the back corner of a golf discount store somewhere. I appreciate that time and care was taken to assemble these clubs just for me using parts that were painstakingly tested by me, outside, in the sun and on the grass for over an hour. I appreciate that I was able to use any parts that I wanted, and not just what had the highest margin for the seller. Still, when old age comes and I can't swing this flex anymore nobody will value them or appreciate them like I do. I can maybe sell them on Ebay for some golf money, but I'm ok with that because you see: when I made the investment in these clubs, I was investing in a name too. My name. I was in it for the long haul. I invested in my game to make sure that every dollar I spent on equipment went directly into my game and not into the pockets of a professional golfer or a multimillion dollar marketing campaign. People value the big names - but why? Why would you want to shell out that kind of money for something you KNOW you're going to resell because there's something better in 6 months? That wonderful paint-filled brand mark that tells everyone that you can afford a big OEM from a big store.
The point is, people value places like Dick's and Golfsmith. There are real people behind them with real jobs and that's great. They value you as well because they stay in business by selling you big names. The small club makers like myself and the hand full of others around the country appreciate your business and when you come to us with a need, I'll bet you'll start to appreciate us too. The one thing we all care about is your game. Big companies saturate the market with new new new. Everything is NEW everything is BETTER than it was. They have to. I will craft you something that will help you play better and save money. Take that money and put it into lessons, or just play more golf! Enter a tournament or put it towards that golf bucket list.
The next time you are in the market for a new club, ask yourself something. Do I want to be one of millions or do I want to be one in a million?
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
How to get the most out of your fitting
Club fittings are meant to get your hands around the best technology for your game. In the modern golf-scape, everything from shaft material, length, weight, color, grip size and material, club head weight, and top line look can be selected from a wide range of manufacturers' offerings. It's enough to make a sane person's head explode! Good thing I'm not sane, right?
What you get out of your fitting is equivalent to what you are willing to put in and accept. If you go in and say "I don't want to spend any money and I'm happy with what I play with now" then there's no reason to even have one done. If you're just going to get some numbers because you're curious how fast you swing, I have a package for 30 minutes on the range with a launch monitor where you keep all your data. Hit me up. On the other hand, going in with the idea that what you play now is completely incorrect isn't a good idea either. After all, you didn't get where you are by playing the complete WRONG equipment, we're just trying to find out if there's something better or a tweak that will make them better. The best thing to do is keep an open mind about all avenues. Maybe the difference between 30% fairways and 70% fairways is the grip on your driver, or even making all your clubs 1/2 inch shorter, or bending them 1degree upright will have you hitting more greens. Fittings don't always have to mean buying new clubs. They should never be a sales pitch. They don't always mean an expensive fix either. That's what most places want you to believe though - which is why they comp the fitting if you buy new clubs. Awesome, I'll save $50 if I buy this brand new $699 set! Don't get me wrong, I do that too.... IF you NEED a new set or new club.
So, step one. Have an open mind.
Step 2: Leave your ego at the door. It's not going to help you to swing as hard as you can during a fitting. Remember, you're going to PLAY these clubs, you're not just going to HIT them. Always warm up and use your normal on-course swings. If at the end of the day you are in a S flex instead of X, or R - it's OK because you're hitting it better. We're comparing apples to apples here, it's not about letters or brands, it's about how they compare to each other. You know how your club performs on the course already - you've been using it for a while. Compare it by the numbers and look for the improvement. Above all, its OK if you don't hit the new stuff better than your old stuff. There are other things to look at for improvement.
Step 3: Talk about what you want vs. what you heard you should have. A good fitter will listen and provide feedback. If you want someone to just tell you what you want - that's ok too, but dialogue is key to getting something that ultimately fits you and your game. Sure, you're not a tour pro and you may not be able to feel the difference between one shaft and another but you know what you like. "ooh, that felt really good" or "This feels too light for me" are perfectly acceptable and will help the fitter dial in what you need. If your fitter doesn't want to hear it, then find another fitter.
Step 4: Don't try new techniques. A fitting is not a lesson and it should never be. There are quick fixes like teeing the ball higher or moving it back or forward in your stance but don't try new things that you don't normally do like: inside take-aways and different grip techniques. Don't try "picture perfect swings" either. If you have injuries that don't let you take the club more than half-way back, then it's something that needs to be taken into account and it's nothing to be ashamed of. JB Holmes, one of the longest guys on the tour, doesn't even make it NEAR parallel at the top.
In my fittings, if I see something early that CLEARLY needs to be fixed we don't normally continue, there's no charge, and I refer the player to one of my trusted pros to get the help they need - THEN they can come back for the fitting and get it right. Equipment can help a lot but it can't fix a bad habit, and fitting a bad habit will not help the golfer improve his or her game. Did I waste my time? No. Not if I've helped point you in the direction of a better game.
Always remember, getting fit for clubs is the same as getting fit for anything else. You don't go to buy new pants and suck your gut in to get them buttoned and say "wow these fit great" when you can't sit down. You don't wear the thickest socks you can find to buy summer shoes. Same thing with clubs. Come as you are. Show off that home-grown swing. Most importantly, if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
Contact me to learn more or to schedule a fitting session. Sessions are usually 45 mins to an hour and there's a little paperwork to fill out beforehand - just the normal stuff so I can get a good sense of where you are in your game and what you currently play and are looking to improve. Actually it's more conversation and I'm doing the writing.
What you get out of your fitting is equivalent to what you are willing to put in and accept. If you go in and say "I don't want to spend any money and I'm happy with what I play with now" then there's no reason to even have one done. If you're just going to get some numbers because you're curious how fast you swing, I have a package for 30 minutes on the range with a launch monitor where you keep all your data. Hit me up. On the other hand, going in with the idea that what you play now is completely incorrect isn't a good idea either. After all, you didn't get where you are by playing the complete WRONG equipment, we're just trying to find out if there's something better or a tweak that will make them better. The best thing to do is keep an open mind about all avenues. Maybe the difference between 30% fairways and 70% fairways is the grip on your driver, or even making all your clubs 1/2 inch shorter, or bending them 1degree upright will have you hitting more greens. Fittings don't always have to mean buying new clubs. They should never be a sales pitch. They don't always mean an expensive fix either. That's what most places want you to believe though - which is why they comp the fitting if you buy new clubs. Awesome, I'll save $50 if I buy this brand new $699 set! Don't get me wrong, I do that too.... IF you NEED a new set or new club.
So, step one. Have an open mind.
Step 2: Leave your ego at the door. It's not going to help you to swing as hard as you can during a fitting. Remember, you're going to PLAY these clubs, you're not just going to HIT them. Always warm up and use your normal on-course swings. If at the end of the day you are in a S flex instead of X, or R - it's OK because you're hitting it better. We're comparing apples to apples here, it's not about letters or brands, it's about how they compare to each other. You know how your club performs on the course already - you've been using it for a while. Compare it by the numbers and look for the improvement. Above all, its OK if you don't hit the new stuff better than your old stuff. There are other things to look at for improvement.
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Play the game, don't HIT to FIT. |
Step 3: Talk about what you want vs. what you heard you should have. A good fitter will listen and provide feedback. If you want someone to just tell you what you want - that's ok too, but dialogue is key to getting something that ultimately fits you and your game. Sure, you're not a tour pro and you may not be able to feel the difference between one shaft and another but you know what you like. "ooh, that felt really good" or "This feels too light for me" are perfectly acceptable and will help the fitter dial in what you need. If your fitter doesn't want to hear it, then find another fitter.
Step 4: Don't try new techniques. A fitting is not a lesson and it should never be. There are quick fixes like teeing the ball higher or moving it back or forward in your stance but don't try new things that you don't normally do like: inside take-aways and different grip techniques. Don't try "picture perfect swings" either. If you have injuries that don't let you take the club more than half-way back, then it's something that needs to be taken into account and it's nothing to be ashamed of. JB Holmes, one of the longest guys on the tour, doesn't even make it NEAR parallel at the top.
In my fittings, if I see something early that CLEARLY needs to be fixed we don't normally continue, there's no charge, and I refer the player to one of my trusted pros to get the help they need - THEN they can come back for the fitting and get it right. Equipment can help a lot but it can't fix a bad habit, and fitting a bad habit will not help the golfer improve his or her game. Did I waste my time? No. Not if I've helped point you in the direction of a better game.
Always remember, getting fit for clubs is the same as getting fit for anything else. You don't go to buy new pants and suck your gut in to get them buttoned and say "wow these fit great" when you can't sit down. You don't wear the thickest socks you can find to buy summer shoes. Same thing with clubs. Come as you are. Show off that home-grown swing. Most importantly, if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
Contact me to learn more or to schedule a fitting session. Sessions are usually 45 mins to an hour and there's a little paperwork to fill out beforehand - just the normal stuff so I can get a good sense of where you are in your game and what you currently play and are looking to improve. Actually it's more conversation and I'm doing the writing.
Friday, March 20, 2015
The Diluting of Our Golf Economy.....
The biggest complaint I hear about golf is that it's "too expensive". I would agree to a point, which is why I started my own club building and repair business to keep costs down for all golfers that I can reach. I don't understand that sentiment though when people follow in the same breath with "What kind of driver is that?" When I answer, they just reply "oh". It's more about name than anything else and people are willing to pay for a name. This is not a post about clone clubs. Clone clubs are meant to look like a particular variety, not perform like it. Most are also illegal, not to mention they perform like crap. This is about off-brand names that do their own research and their own design and create a quality performance product. They don't pay pros millions so there's no need to have drivers that are $500. They rely on competent club builders to grow the name.
Still, I've heard more often than not that getting fully custom clubs are still too expensive. One of the most common statements is "I can get a brand name set for that price". Answer: Yes, yes you can, but it's going to be off the rack and it's going to be what the COMPANY wants you to play, not what you want to play. Example: I went to a popular retailer and bought the cheapest set of clubs that I could. I didn't try to "match" sets, I used different OEMs just whatever was the most recent and cheapest - balanced. I sacrificed a little "new box" factor for some savings. I came up with Driver, 5W, 4-AW, SW, Putter for $854.83. These are all stock shafts, no options, no swingweight options, no new grip options, no length or fitting options. The different OEMs offer different brands of shaft, but I'll assume they're relatively close in flex. So you have a "good set" of big names for less than $900 before tax and buying a bag. Remember also, that these are the CHEAPEST I could find. The ones marked $200 off, and $300 off, on the rack. It does not take into account the up-charges to replace the OEM shaft with say a Dynamic Gold S300 from True Temper and does not allow for length adjustments.
I spec'd out a performance set of clubs using great components and came up with $868.44 after tax (if you're in PA). The head covers put me over, drat. Still, they all have matching grips, the driver and 3 wood have the same shaft profile. Oh wait, there's an extra wedge in there to round out your scoring clubs. Winner! Believe me when I say there's some great components that are even more on the value pricing line as well that I steered clear of just to prove a point. I didn't have to use Golfpride New Decade Plus 4 Grips *new for 2015*. Nor did Superstroke pay me to put their Mid-slim 2.0 on the putter rather than a stock paddle shaft. I certainly didn't have to use Fujikura EXS 6.0 graphite shafts *New for 2015* on the woods either but I did all that. Yes, I also find it somehow ironic that as you're reading this, there's Golfsmith ads on either side of the blog. Thanks, Google. Really.
See, here's the thing - there's money for the big names in "stock" clubs. By making a flashy club and touting some new technology, they are able to release a new club or set of clubs every 6 months. Sometimes even sooner!! It leaves you with the sense that what you have isn't good enough so you'll buy new - even if it's a new to you used club - and it's still stock garbage. Most clubs rely on something called rack appeal. That's when you look at a set of clubs and go "oh that's nice!!" without even hitting it. They look cool, different, shiny, black - you name it - and if it makes you buy the club then it's done it's job. I fell into this in my hay-day. I bought a big brand of clubs and got fit by the fitter. By the time I had them the way I was fit to them, I was well into $1000 JUST FOR IRONS!!!!!! That's no wedges, no woods, no putter! Flash forward, I built a set of irons for myself using less flashy and less expensive components but to the same specs that I was fit for and they outplay my old clubs - no contest. You can read the first tests here and here and I was completely sold after that. The USGA puts limits on clubs. It's what they do. MOI, COR, Size, and Weight are all closely monitored. Clubs have hit a wall. You're talking about differences of 1 or 2 points and flat out lies. You can't increase MOI by 15% every year. You can't, the limits don't allow it. If you DID then that means last year's model was crap or more than likely - you're being lied to.
Long story short, buying big names is stroking your ego. If you're the person who needs to have the name in the bag please go buy them. I have said it before, I want you to be happy and I want you to play what you want. Personally though, I take more satisfaction from absolutely destroying a golf ball down the middle of the fairway past my partners with my custom built "no name" than I do from someone saying "hey, I see you got that new (insert name) driver. Looks awesome". I start conversations with my clubs now because they have Clubcrowns and Shaft wraps on them and they are badass. These days when people ask "what kind of driver is that" they're following it up with "I want one".
I trust what I sell and I play what I sell. Let me help you trust your clubs.
Still, I've heard more often than not that getting fully custom clubs are still too expensive. One of the most common statements is "I can get a brand name set for that price". Answer: Yes, yes you can, but it's going to be off the rack and it's going to be what the COMPANY wants you to play, not what you want to play. Example: I went to a popular retailer and bought the cheapest set of clubs that I could. I didn't try to "match" sets, I used different OEMs just whatever was the most recent and cheapest - balanced. I sacrificed a little "new box" factor for some savings. I came up with Driver, 5W, 4-AW, SW, Putter for $854.83. These are all stock shafts, no options, no swingweight options, no new grip options, no length or fitting options. The different OEMs offer different brands of shaft, but I'll assume they're relatively close in flex. So you have a "good set" of big names for less than $900 before tax and buying a bag. Remember also, that these are the CHEAPEST I could find. The ones marked $200 off, and $300 off, on the rack. It does not take into account the up-charges to replace the OEM shaft with say a Dynamic Gold S300 from True Temper and does not allow for length adjustments.
I spec'd out a performance set of clubs using great components and came up with $868.44 after tax (if you're in PA). The head covers put me over, drat. Still, they all have matching grips, the driver and 3 wood have the same shaft profile. Oh wait, there's an extra wedge in there to round out your scoring clubs. Winner! Believe me when I say there's some great components that are even more on the value pricing line as well that I steered clear of just to prove a point. I didn't have to use Golfpride New Decade Plus 4 Grips *new for 2015*. Nor did Superstroke pay me to put their Mid-slim 2.0 on the putter rather than a stock paddle shaft. I certainly didn't have to use Fujikura EXS 6.0 graphite shafts *New for 2015* on the woods either but I did all that. Yes, I also find it somehow ironic that as you're reading this, there's Golfsmith ads on either side of the blog. Thanks, Google. Really.
See, here's the thing - there's money for the big names in "stock" clubs. By making a flashy club and touting some new technology, they are able to release a new club or set of clubs every 6 months. Sometimes even sooner!! It leaves you with the sense that what you have isn't good enough so you'll buy new - even if it's a new to you used club - and it's still stock garbage. Most clubs rely on something called rack appeal. That's when you look at a set of clubs and go "oh that's nice!!" without even hitting it. They look cool, different, shiny, black - you name it - and if it makes you buy the club then it's done it's job. I fell into this in my hay-day. I bought a big brand of clubs and got fit by the fitter. By the time I had them the way I was fit to them, I was well into $1000 JUST FOR IRONS!!!!!! That's no wedges, no woods, no putter! Flash forward, I built a set of irons for myself using less flashy and less expensive components but to the same specs that I was fit for and they outplay my old clubs - no contest. You can read the first tests here and here and I was completely sold after that. The USGA puts limits on clubs. It's what they do. MOI, COR, Size, and Weight are all closely monitored. Clubs have hit a wall. You're talking about differences of 1 or 2 points and flat out lies. You can't increase MOI by 15% every year. You can't, the limits don't allow it. If you DID then that means last year's model was crap or more than likely - you're being lied to.
Long story short, buying big names is stroking your ego. If you're the person who needs to have the name in the bag please go buy them. I have said it before, I want you to be happy and I want you to play what you want. Personally though, I take more satisfaction from absolutely destroying a golf ball down the middle of the fairway past my partners with my custom built "no name" than I do from someone saying "hey, I see you got that new (insert name) driver. Looks awesome". I start conversations with my clubs now because they have Clubcrowns and Shaft wraps on them and they are badass. These days when people ask "what kind of driver is that" they're following it up with "I want one".
I trust what I sell and I play what I sell. Let me help you trust your clubs.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Player, please... my sh*t is custom....
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Too much, maybe? Nahh |
The problem with gear is that there's not a whole lot of diversity out there. Your BrandX driver looks like everyone else's - you know - except for that sky mark maybe. If you want to have something customized - you've got to find a talented painter who will strip it, prime it, paint it, and seal it for you. Then you have it for a while - until it's scratched or something new comes out and you want THAT one instead. You MIGHT luck out in selling it to an individual with your same taste in art, but the likelihood that you'll be sitting on it a while is pretty high.
I like unique as much as the next guy, so The Club Nut has started carrying two new custom companies that provide some flair to your existing equipment.
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Remember, too that we also offer components from Maltby, Hireko, and Bombtech to provide you with the most options and highest performing equipment for your dollar. It really is cool that some manufacturers are so into the customization and style of clubs. I think my favorite is one designed for ladies by iBella - the obsession series. An entire line to show off your glitz and glamour. High style and high performance geared specifically toward women..... and yes, Batgirl, it does come in black.
Contact us to get your custom build quote. Remember, with our custom build fee The Club Nut checks spine and oscillation before assembling our clubs to make sure performance is maximized for each club Depending on the manufacturer's tolerances on components, shaft graphics may not perfectly align. We will match assembly prices for manufacturers sites for Basic Assembly only.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Let's talk about Fitting......
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Try the newest 460cc with movable weights and adjustability, it's got a real nice profit margin.. |
How and why do I do this? I want you to succeed at golf. I will be the first to admit that my Club Fitting is not as cheap as the other places. At $70.00 for a set of irons, it is quite pricy to some people. I'm OK with that because again, you're not just renting my space so I can sell you something - you're renting ME for about an hours time so we can look at everything in your game. I schedule appointments and I don't offer to help others and say "I'll be back in 10 minutes, I just have to find a head cover for this guy". Oh and also, when you're done... Shhhhhhhh you get to keep your information and do whatever you want with it. What's that? Repeat myself because you had something crazy in your ear? No... it's written. Just re-read it.
I live by a simple philosophy: "The memory of bad quality outweighs the shock of high prices". In a nutshell, I charge what is fair for me to put my time and experience into the job so that you get the highest quality possible. If you don't want to pay it, that's ok. I won't hate you. Seriously, if I had money for every time I've heard and engaged in this conversation, I would be writing this blog from sunny Florida on my back deck which overlooks the 15th hole.
Guy: I can't hit this damn club.
Me: Oh? Is it new?
Guy: Yea I did a fitting (insert time frame) ago and I bought it then.
Me: So you were hitting it good but now you aren't?
Guy: No, I got fit with my old clubs. I special ordered this because the fitter said it would work based on my numbers.
Me: Numbers? Your club speed or your bank balance?
While the majority of places put you on a simulator and have you hit crap balls and take computer measurements, I do more than that:
1. We get the "life specs" on all your current clubs. Length, loft, lie, swing weight, frequency, shaft type, and take a look at the grip traction and size.
2. We will hit balls with your current set and see what's good/ bad/ what your best clubs are.
3. Using the quick connect system, we hit balls on a real range and watch what happens to them. See, this is the real good part... then we take all this and TALK about what things feel like, what you want, and even chat about the good and bad in your swing.
4. You get all this information written down and you can take it with you to -- I don't know - go buy budget clubs from eBay or whatever. Knock yourself out....
#4 kills people when I say it and write it. "OH MY GOD, how do you stay in business?!". My answer after a couple drinks is usually "Because I'm f--king good at what I do. Dick."
I don't just want you to play better, I want you to be happy. If a player is happy with off the rack clubs after getting their perfect measurements - so be it. I think they're a little screwy, but I'm happy for them.
There are some that end up learning the hard way, for instance. Guys like Jeff (we'll call him that for now). Jeff came and we talked and looked and did 1 through 4. Jeff took his information and bought a name brand set at a local box store. Had it special ordered to the specs that he wanted and were given to him on my sheet.... Sort of. Payed $1500 for them after tax and shipping and "upgrades" whatever those are. I received a call over lunch one day because he was convinced that everything I told him was wrong.
He brought the set over and I put them through the paces. Turns out, the flex the manufacturer put in was not equivalent to the CPM that I told him - I guess the guy that sold it to him talked him into "regular, stiff, or x-stiff" being acceptable terms and that "frequency matching" would be an extra charge - which it is for the most part so I don't blame him. Furthermore, the shafts weren't spine aligned or oscillated at all. Some were more off than others but they were typical "assembly line" clubs. GripA, shaftB, headC, epoxy and ship. So, after another $140, Jeff came back to the shop and picked up a set of clubs that were second to none. Same heads, same grips, but all aligned, the proper flex and weight, and he's hitting it like a million bucks. He was able to sell the pulled shafts on eBay and recoup his loss at least. More recently Jeff was in the market for a new driver. Where do you think he went? Aye, there be the moral of this story....
Name brands are expensive. Not necessarily expensive because they're "better clubs". Sometimes, not always. They're expensive because there's "R&D", advertising, and a bunch of other things that go into releasing 3 drivers and 2 sets of irons every year that are 10 yards longer than their predecessor. I swear, if I had all the yardage and stuff I was promised over the years by big names, I'd be hitting 430 yard drives and throwing 150 yard sand wedges onto the green and spinning them 40 feet backwards. The thing is, the USGA has put a max on what golf clubs can do. Remember that driver two years ago that "reached the USGA max for all attributes".... well guess what, there's nothing that this year's model can do better except have expensive moving parts that you'll probably end up spending money on tinkering with or needing a $30 wrench to manipulate.
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I don't always put bright colors and stickers on my golf clubs.... but when I do, it's because you're more likely to buy them. |
For the eventual $1640 that Jeff ended up spending, a qualified club maker could have set him up with and entire set of the top shelf in clubs in his exact specs - all made with quality components. You may not know the name, but trust your guy - he wouldn't be using them if he didn't know how they performed. I know I wouldn't. Nothing in my shop is there because I'm being paid or because it's cheaper than something else. I don't have overhead because I don't keep inventory. I don't keep inventory because I never want to be a slave to having to "push" something on a customer so I don't lose money.
It's the same with fitting. I don't want to fit you to sell you something -- I want to fit you because I want you to play better. I've done everything I can to take the guesswork and inconsistency out of fitting. When I build a set, all my shafts are spine aligned. All my grips are the same size - If they're not, I pull them off and do it again. For fitting, all my heads and shafts are interchangeable - even the demos for independent companies like Krank and Bombtech.
Later this year, I will also be getting a Flightscope or a GC2 to add to the collection because I know how much people lean on this information. It's good to have, but don't let it rule your life. I can't wait for the snow to melt so we can all get back out there. It's echo murder on your ears hitting in the heated bays.
Next time: How The Club Nut takes the guesswork out of demos.
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